© Nalu Ceramics
Created and manufactured in Sweden.
The printshop is marked with ”The Nordic Swan Ecolabel”
and the paper is environmentally friendly.
Please separate the wire from the paper when recyled.
Nalu Ceramics monthly donates to WWF,
to save our oceans [marine ecosystems].
WWF focus on two areas:
”Finding the solutions to fix broken global systems
that lead to declines in nature while protecting those places
that wildlife and people can’t live without.”
”250+ million people depend on ocean ecosystems
for coastal protection and livelihoods.” *
Together we make the change for a better world!
Nalu Ceramics - Creating for the Ocean
* Quotes from worldwildlife.org
Pottery Journal
Tillfälligt slut. Åter i lager hösten 2022.
Anteckningsbok för dig som gillar att skissa och skriva ner dina tankar och ideér kring leran, former, tekniker mm.
50 sidor. På enkel engelska för att passa alla nordiska länder.